Given the economic impact we are currently experiencing due to the Coronavirus pandemic, employees are looking to their business leaders for information, guidance, and support. Everyone manages fear differently and it can affect a person’s mental and physical health. In the workplace, employers and those in management/administration positions must have a plan in place to address employees’ fear. Here are several things you can do when managing employees’ fear.
Develop a Communication Plan
Your communication plan will set the tone for how your leadership communicates with your employees. It is important to assure your employees that you are following the CDC guidelines and taking the steps necessary to ensure their health and safety. You can communicate this information via text message, email, in person or by using a team communication tool like Slack.
Implement an Employee Hotline
You may want to consider implementing an employee hotline (download our resource below).
With an employee hotline, employees can call to speak with a representative about their concerns. This can be done by simply designating a phone line or extension and assigning a manager or HR representative to handle the calls. An employee hotline not only provides support to employees, but it is a great way for upper management to understand the issues their employees face.
Be Transparent
Fear is real and your ability as a leader to empathize, reassure and understand your employees is critical to their well-being. The actions taken by your leadership team during a crisis can have a lasting impact on employee morale and company culture. Your employees want transparency. Provide facts. Give your employees regular updates about the business and about any changes in government regulations and recommendations.
Encourage Self-Care Practices
You may also want to consider encouraging your employees to practice self-care. Allow them to manage stress by taking regular breaks, doing relaxation exercises, meditation, or listening to soothing music.
For more resources on this topic, visit us at If you have questions regarding this topic or any other HR-related questions, we are happy to help. Click on the link below to schedule a free consultation!